How A Broken Refrigerator Led To Higher Health Care Costs
With growing recognition of the impact of non-clinical issues and social determinants of health (SDoH) on care quality, patient outcomes and cost, physicians and payers will gain insights into the value of specialized Community-based palliative care (CBPC) in Turn-Key’s newest white paper, “Unlock the Value of Community-Based Palliative Care to Close Clinical and Non-Clinical Care Gaps.”
Key Takeaways:
- The key advantages of CBPC for both clinical and non-clinical issues confronting patients with a serious illness and living at home.
- In addition to highlighting clinical issues, a spotlight on non-clinical issues that may be overlooked – often confounding patients, physicians and providers and leading to unplanned care and higher costs.
- Opportunity for payers to better understand the benefits of partnering with a specialized solution, such as TKH’s Palliative Illness Management™ (PIM), to scale programs for larger populations and across diverse geographic regions.